//There was noises, distractions from anything good
Popaganda dag ett: skratt, massa gråt ett tag, kärlek, bultande hjärtan, kramar, överraskningar, fina artister med fina låtar, bekanta ansikten, dans, härliga mellansnack, inget regn, gåshud, kyla.
Belle and Sebastian var så himla bra. Det var grymt att se dem. Jag stod i en Belle and Sebastian-tröja som jag precis hade köpt och lyssnade och var glad. Tankarna befann sig dock någon annanstans under hela kvällen, men allt var väldigt fint ändå. Träffade trevligt folk och dansade bredvid glada främlingar. Frös som sjutton för att jag är alldeles för naiv för att dra på mig mer kläder. Såg flera stycken med BD-väskor och tänkte att människor kanske inte är helt dumma i huvudet ändå. Undrade hur många som visste om att de missade Henrik Berggren i Norrköping medan de var där. En väldigt fin överraskning av Familjen var Markus Krunegård. Blev ännu mer fylld av kärlek.
Belle and Sebastian var så himla bra. Det var grymt att se dem. Jag stod i en Belle and Sebastian-tröja som jag precis hade köpt och lyssnade och var glad. Tankarna befann sig dock någon annanstans under hela kvällen, men allt var väldigt fint ändå. Träffade trevligt folk och dansade bredvid glada främlingar. Frös som sjutton för att jag är alldeles för naiv för att dra på mig mer kläder. Såg flera stycken med BD-väskor och tänkte att människor kanske inte är helt dumma i huvudet ändå. Undrade hur många som visste om att de missade Henrik Berggren i Norrköping medan de var där. En väldigt fin överraskning av Familjen var Markus Krunegård. Blev ännu mer fylld av kärlek.
Hi, I'm sorry for totally neglecting the blog. I'm out in the middle of nowhere. Family vacation, yay.
//Dr. Martens

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Which one should I go for? 10 or 8 holes?
//Tousled hair

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I love long hair, but my hair doesn't even reach my shoulders.
//Face of Holland

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//Stars and Dust

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//Marie Antoinette

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Dark lipstickkk.

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Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.
//Freaks and Geeks

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American TV series Freaks and Geeks. Starring Linda Cardellini, John Francis Daley, James Franco, Jason Segel, Seth Rogen, Samm Levine, Busy Philipps, Martin Starr and others.
//Howl's Moving Castle

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Hayao Miyazaki is a genius. How can one make up beautiful stories and also turn them into beautiful films? Damn, he's impressive. Not to mention Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro and his other masterpieces.

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Emma Watson for Italian Vogue, September 2008. Photographed by Mark Seliger.
//Grace Kelly

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Grace Kelly at Academy Awards 1955. Photographed by George Silk.
//Spitzer's Orion

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//Floral shirt

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//You're an empty, poisonous smile.
The first generation of Skins is on right now. It's the episode where Chris and Jal get together, and Cassie is nearly more fucked up than usual. Happy times. Skins is hands down one of my favorite TV shows ever.
//Bangs and Cigarettes

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Irina Lazareanu. Smoking, in double context.
//Random quiz
If someone made a movie about your life, what would they call it? Who would you want to play you? I don't know what it would be called, but maybe These Days or something. I really don't know who would fit in my shoes. What is the strangest dream you've ever had? Describe in detail. There's this dream I remember vaguely. It included giant, bouncing babies and.. an explosion, I think. Tavi was in it and she betrayed me by leaking information to the government, who followed everyone that had survived the explosion. I think it was a meteor. Uh, yeah. It was strange. Everything was covered in ashes and in the end, I found my cats sleeping. They had slept through the whole thing. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Maybe somewhere in England or France. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want my name to be under both "Director" and "Writer" on a successful film's IMDb page. What is one talent most people don’t know that you have? I can pinch with my toes, if that counts. Have you ever lied to your girlfriend/boyfriend? If yes, about what? That I loved him. It was a long time ago though. If you had to choose between being in a choir and being in a play, what would you choose? I'd choose to be in a play. Sounds like fun, and I can't sing. What's your favorite thing about the opposite sex? Their hair, hands, backs and smile, if we're talking about the looks. What's your idea of a perfect date? That date would probably consist of playing video games. Does that make me boring? What is the best thing about your life right now? Summer vacation.
//I'm still an animal

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By Viktor Vauthier.

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George Harrison of The Beatles photographed in 1964 by Bill Ray.

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Apollo 11 photographed by Ralph Morse.
//Backstage Kate

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Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony, resort 2011. I love her and I love this.
//The Iron Sun

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//Curles and Freckles

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Cintia Dicker.
//Shoe-shoe Shoegar Town
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Okay, Nancy Sinatra's Sugar Town might not be about shoes, but hell, these are gorgeous and too expensive.

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Girl crushing on Natalie Portman in Luc Besson's movie Léon.
//The Dead

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Listening to Grateful Dead's album American Beauty. It's so good and I'm really tired. I should probably do something, like take a shower and cut my hair. But why make myself useful when I can just sit here?